• 0798 376 1555
  • Services@FreshStartDecorators.co.uk
West Midlands Painters Domestic, Residential & Commercial

Colour and wallpaper samples

paint colour samples

Paint Colour Samples
Available in Dulux Trade

Paint Colour Samples

With so many colours available it is always difficult to know which to choose. We understand people have busy schedules and can not always get the time to shop around having colour samples mixed. We provide a reasonable priced service to discuss the colours you wish to sample, have these mixed in testers and delivered and painted on areas of your choice. You can then take the time to decide which colour(s); you, family and friends prefer. The cost of any colour samples chosen will also be deducted from the cost of the paint purchased in that colour.

wallpaper samples

Wallpaper Samples
Please call Fresh Start Decorators with queries

Wallpaper Samples

Available Soon! Fresh Start Decorators will be providing a service where you can browse wallpaper samples in the comfort of your own home.